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I'm Victoria, a certified Infant Sleep Consultant and former Midwife.
My husband Rob and I married in 2015 and live on the North Yorkshire, Tees Valley border. My greatest achievements and inspiration for retraining to become a Sleep Consultant, has to be my three amazing children, Wilfred, Florence and Rose.
I have suffered first hand with the detrimental effects of a baby who does not sleep and screams day and night from chronic sleep deprivation. You feel like you are doing something wrong when everyone else appears to be having the best time of their life in the perfect baby bubble. The exhaustion and having a baby who never ever settled took away nearly all the enjoyment from motherhood. It altered me as a person, even making me doubt my decision to have children, question my marriage and plummet my mental health. Our little boy would wake up to 15 times a night and nothing we did could settle him. I felt like I was failing him as a mother.
It was contacting a Sleep Consultant that altered our lives. With their information and support we managed to guide and support our children to get the sleep they needed and deserved. Friends and family commented that they were ‘like a different baby’. I soon felt like a different woman, and realised I was actually a good mum and I loved motherhood!
It was these experiences that sparked my interest in infants sleep, and the contradicting misinformation that is out there about it. I never want a parent to feel the way I did back then and struggle on alone without reaching out for help. Every parent deserves to enjoy all the precious moments that babies bring without feeling completely drained. I want to use my knowledge and experience to support parents to feel confident when it comes to their infants sleep and allow their infants to flourish by getting the sleep the need.